For purposes of this Policy:
“Applicable Laws” means any laws,
regulations, treaties and codes, including the Consumer
Protection Act 68 of 2008 and the Protection of Personal
Information Act 4 of 2013, which may be applicable to your
relationship with us;
"Client" or “you” means any
prospective, new or existing client of The Crazy Store;
"The Crazy Store", “we” or
“us” means The Crazy Store, a division of
Melbro Retail (Pty) Ltd , Company Registration Number:
1996/07147/07, of 15-17 Packer Avenue, Epping Industria II,
Eppindust, Cape Town, 7475, South Africa.
This Policy sets out how your personal information will be
used by The Crazy Store, our website
(“Website”), and any of our affiliated companies or brands
and applies to any information, including personal and
special personal information, you give to The Crazy Store,
or which The Crazy Store may collect from third
This policy should be read with the Website terms and
It is important that you read this Policy carefully before
submitting any personal information to The Crazy
By submitting any personal information to The Crazy Store
you provide consent to the processing of your personal
information as set out in this Policy.
The provisions of this Policy are subject to mandatory,
unalterable provisions of Applicable Laws.
Please do not submit any personal information to The Crazy
Store if you do not agree to any of the provisions of this
Policy. If you do not consent to the provisions of this
Policy, or parts of the Policy, The Crazy Store may not be
able to provide its products and services to you.